This past weekend was crazy busy!!! Tristan turned 6months old and received a big red wagon from Grandma and Papaw and an outfit with a couple pair of shoes from Nana and Papa. He loves them all and its crazy to think my little Boy is 6months old. Nobody was kidding when they say the older and more responsibilities you have the way time flies soooooooo much faster. I never expected it to be the middle of May and thinking how our little man is already halfway to one. But before I get all sentimental let's continue about our weekend.
Helen spent Wednesday through Saturday with me, while Kevin was in the field. We spent our nights just like when we use to live together. I was thrilled whenever I got to see Kevin on Friday. Helen was kind enough to snap a picture through our window. We were able to end our evening with a double date. Our evening was going to have to be cut short for we were going to have a very early Saturday Morning.
Saturday Morning we were up early and out on the road. Helen, James, Kevin and I were on our way to see Tristan and that night WICKED!!!! It was an amazing show and something I will always cherish because of the people I went with. But before we went to see Wicked, we went to Baby R Us, and bought Tristan's big boy carseat!!! Which hasn't made him like the five point harness anymore. But the leg room he has now and arm room makes him happier.
Sunday, was spent with the three of us looking for houses and just a simple Lazy Sunday. We are looking forward to next weekend in having no where to go and enjoying a family weekend, Church and then our bbq we are having after church.
Now as for today, Tristan and I are going to enjoy ourselves and playing with the puppies we are watching for a friend. Planning on taco salad for dinner and hopefully Kevin and I will have a moment to maybe catch a movie on TV. But we shall see. Heading to bed at 8:30 is rather cherished. That seems to be another thing I appreciate more. I enjoy, sleep and cherish time.